“Home” – Music Video
July 15, 2020
“Colors Flying” – Animated Music Video
September 25, 2020Song, Story, Sacred Mystery
The Grandmothers Are Speaking. Are We Listening?
We are thrilled to share with you a first glimpse into our original film: Voices of the Grandmothers. We believe this filmmaking journey is one we can all appreciate, and the end result is an extraordinary gem, filled with facets of brilliance and beauty.
Voices of the Grandmothers is a pure love offering, created by passionate filmmakers, featuring in-depth interviews with world-renowned speakers, international council members, executive directors, Grammy-winning singer-songwriters… rallying their voices in an effort to light up the world.
Why Are Our Elders’ Voices So Vital At This Time?
Seven generations ago, our ancestors planted seeds, started paths, and safeguarded the earth for us. Today, we enjoy the fruits of their seeds. We walk the trails they made. We swim in the waters they protected. Six, five, four, three, and two generations ago, our grandmothers and grandfathers further supported us. They guided and guarded us, even before we were born.
It feels necessary now that we consider our elders’ experiences—both the positives and negatives. Seven generations ago, they faced changes. Six generations ago, they faced challenges. Five generations ago, they faced tragedies… and they made their way through the troubling times. They navigated through the unknowns. These survival stories are the ones we need to know today.
Sadly, some of our elders are out of practice. Even worse, some voices have been hushed over time, and others have been silenced entirely. Consider the Lakota people, for example. Their Native language was forbidden by the dominating English-speaking culture. That means the Lakota nation had to abandon their songs, myths, traditions, and other components of who they were and what they stood for.
Thankfully, much of the Lakota culture survived in secrecy, alongside the Cherokee, Shoshone, Apache… The First Nations left a permanent impression on these lands, waters, fires, and winds. Indigenous leaders throughout the Americas are respected and sought-after as authorities and advisors. The Standing Rock Movement showed that ~200 indigenous tribes still stand in the Americas, walking in beauty.
All walks of life can benefit from the examples of our elders, those wise ones, learning their way of living. Although some may think of the elders’ way as simple, old-fashioned, or outdated, their perspectives are advantageous to us because only the elders have the first-hand experiences to compare between the former way with the latter way. The grandmothers are speaking.
An Honor, A Privilege, A Gratitude Expression
What would happen if humanity woke up and lived in service to love? What if we remembered that we humans were created to be stewards of this garden planet? What if we allowed ourselves to commune with a benevolent intelligence larger than ourselves—the essence that connects us to all life in this universe. What if we remember right now that we are miracles created by love?